Today is Veteran's Day. A day to remember all the veterans.
I'm a veteran. Air Force, worked on the ejection seats on the F4 aircraft.
The veterans who died for this country, those who've been wounded, for me, they are the ones who deserve our gratitude and support.
Me, I was a total fuck-up in the military. The military treated me more than fair and does so to this very day. Health benefits, buying a house. I used the GI Bill to get 6 years of college education.
I joined the military one month after turning 18. I didn't know shit about life. But from the age of 15 to 25 I lived 75% of my life. Jesus, a lot happened in those condensed 10 years.
What a difference though between those 18 year olds storming the beaches of Normandy and college kids today being succored with milk and cookies because the other candidate won the election.