Thursday, March 14, 2024

On Writing

 Writing. If one reads a lot, it follows one must be a good writer. Most of my outlet for writing is in the comments section after someone posts. For the most part, I think my writing is a waste of time, I'm not sure if anyone reads it, but it lets me formulate my thoughts. And writing on the computer comments could come back to bite me, in that what I write is there forever.

When I write, I like to have something to say. A different view or take that no one has thought of that might tickle the curious brain of someone reading. Reading something and getting the expected is boring. What fun is reading that? I like being surprised when I read, or when someone has personal experience about a topic that brings it much more to life. 

So when I write about something in my blog, I might give a statement of facts, but I want to give a spin that the reader might not have of. (Not good to end a sentence in a preposition). And even if my writing is poor, that's OK too, that's who I am. 

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