Saturday, March 30, 2024

Shit Hit The Fan

Gutenberg Printing Press

The printing press changed the world. Changed the world. Allowing for the dissemination of ideas and thoughts. It brought about the Scientific Method. It's largely the scientific method, capitalism, and democratic form of government that gives us the unfathomable richness and blessings we enjoy daily.

It's after the invention of the printing press we have the likes of Rene Descartes, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon and this beautiful list of names goes on and on.

Reading these great thinkers allows us to learn and absorb their ideas. Ideas that have changed the world and are still changing the world in real-time. Computers and their associated technology make Gutenberg's invention laughable, but without Gutenberg, there are no computers. The debt of gratitude we owe these great thinkers and inventors.... We glorify someone because they can dunk a basketball, but these inventors/thinkers are the heroes when all's said and done. 

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